Downloads: Mercedes LP322 Moving Van

Mercedes LP322 Moving Van

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Uploaded by RoRBot - 07-20-2018
Author Author BigBoy
File Size File Size 786.5 KB
Downloads Downloads 1,291
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Here it is, the Mercedes LP322... It's almost the same as the Buessing Burgloewe as you might noticed, just with another front mask. But that's ok, as the bodies were build by the same manufacturer and they only used different chassis, like from Buessing and Mercedes.
- flexbody
- managed materials
- material flares
- fully interior
- working switch for light, fog light
- working sun shield
- openable doors
- submeshed loading room (with collision)
- openable windows with moving hand bars
- working wipers (experimental)
- working brake pedal
- moving shift stick (at least it moves into reverse gear)
- ramps to get load inside
- ties to secure load
- ropables for tow trucks
The Mercedes is abit more powerful than the Buessing and goes a bit faster.



  • Mercedes LP322 Moving Van


08-21-2018 at 07:51 PM
Nice van thanks for making it